


Petrochemclimateconf24 at Fitwilliam College, University of Cambridge

From 01 July to 03 July 2024, activitist, educators, researchers, public sector agencies, civil society organisations were gathered at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK for the 1st edition of the Petrochemicals & Climate Change Conference themed "Technology, Policy, and Societal Change in a Time of Planetary Crises".

Representatives of CAPws were privileged to participate in the conference presenting our reflective work on key considerations for global plastic production reduction, chemicals transparency, and zero-waste economy vis-a-vis the ongoing Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) sessions on the the global plastics treaty.

This emphasizes our continued involvement in climate action through advocacy and sustainable innovation to eradicate plastic pollution and reduce environmental pollution in general.

See our post on X to catch a glimpse of our presentation.

15 August 2023 - Media Capacity Building: Nigeria Plastic Treaty Stakeholder Engagement

CAPws is  organized a capacity building event targeted at equipping media outlets  with the foundational skills to join the plastic treaty discourse  in Nigeria.

See the announcement on X: 

20 Jan 2023: Self-Funded Opportunity | CAPws UN Water 2023 Conference
!Member only benefits

Do you have interest at the pollution/water nexus? 

Are you able to secure your own funding to attend the UN Water 2023 Conference in New York, US?

Are you eligible to travel to the US?

Apply by emailing with subject CAPws Delegate Application to be nominated as a CAPws delegate to the UN Water 2023 Conference in March 2023.

Read more information about UN Water 2023 Conference here;

Deadline: February 3, 2023

Best regards,
CAPws Team

Announcement on behalf of SAICM

To SAICM stakeholders,

Updated factsheet entitled "The potential key role of SAICM National Focal Points in reducing harm from Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs)" developed to ensure information about HHPs reaches all focal points and other relevant stakeholders for them to make effective and informed decisions and play an active role in facilitating the reduction of HHPs’ risks.

Access updated factsheet here

On behalf of

In the Spotlight

Cedric Nkundwanabake (CAPws Rwanda) beyond borders

As a shining star in Climate Action, Cedric Nkundwanabake once again has proven to be a force to reckon with canvassing people and resources to put a strain on the growing menace of plastic wastes in Rwanda in the East of Africa.

More on the story here

CAPws named as one of United Nations' Civil Society Organizations

Global CAPws Community on IYD 2021

We witnessed an epoch on the International Youth Day 2021 when we invited Professor Raja Suzanna from Malaysia and Ms Tone Hjort Madsen from Norway to talk to us about the opportunities in the plastic waste sector

Upcoming events


Past events

CAPws in Benue

Our people from where the story of CAPws started aren't taking the back seat neither on this epoch-making journey of a sustainable ecosystem. Let's give it for the Benue team in Nigeria👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

CAPws South Sudan

South Sudan Planet soldiers set out for cleanup outreach at the city port of Bor, Jonglei State. The dump site which is located near the river generated 2355.9 KGs of PET. South Sudan Eco Soldiers led by Lueth Reng Leuth

CAPws Community Tanzania

Mangrove planting exercise on the beaches of Zanzibar and in collaboration with Jane Goodall roots & shoots, government and some students from Chukwani primary school Soldiers led by Ali Hamad Omar

CAPws Community Burundi

A cleanup exercise which occured at Nyabugete beach Bujumbura capital led by Aime Eloge

CAPws Community Rwanda

#actionRwanda A string of cleanup outreaches: near and at Nyabarongo river with local Leaders and introducing CAPws, various hilly locations and Yanze river. With more than 80 youth volunteers participating, that's definitely a winner led by Cedric Nkundwanabake